About Me

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Good day to you all! My name is Anna Atkins. I am a British photographer best known for my cyanotypes, or blueprints, of the species of algae in the British Isles. I was the first person of either gender to use cyanotypes to create a long-term scientific study of the natural world. My father was a scientist and I helped him by creating drawings for some of his works such as his translation of Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet de Lamarck's Genera of Shells. Well, I must be going, as I have much work to do between housekeeping and my photography. Farewell!

Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. My mother wss a huge influence on my life when i got my carrier started. I am so very sorry for the loss of your mother, but you ended up being a magnificent artist. keep up the good work

  2. Anna,you say that one of your fields of study was science. To be even more specific botany. I will admit I dabbled in science but never as a carear. I created images quickly and easily and you made discoveries about plant life. Also you are one of the first female botanist. I am the first of any one to create a "camera". Our contrast amazes me.

  3. Although we both have aspects of art in our fields, I must say that we are different in our styles. You rely on images made of pictures whilst I rely on pictures made of words.
