About Me

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Good day to you all! My name is Anna Atkins. I am a British photographer best known for my cyanotypes, or blueprints, of the species of algae in the British Isles. I was the first person of either gender to use cyanotypes to create a long-term scientific study of the natural world. My father was a scientist and I helped him by creating drawings for some of his works such as his translation of Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet de Lamarck's Genera of Shells. Well, I must be going, as I have much work to do between housekeeping and my photography. Farewell!

Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. During your interview i read that your father was your only mentor. I had many mentors but my dad was one of mine to/ My dad helped me threw hard times just like he did with you

  2. Hello Anna. I read that you also got interested in your field at a young age. That is something you, Clara, and I have in common. Another thing we have in common is that you are interested in photography. I invented the first "camera". You also have come across Fox Talbot. I have also had a few encounters with him.None good but, that doesn't matter.

  3. I love science and find it intriguing that you are ahead in your field! Your work is both lovely and strange-- to see such new plants and organisms is quite surreal!
