About Me

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Good day to you all! My name is Anna Atkins. I am a British photographer best known for my cyanotypes, or blueprints, of the species of algae in the British Isles. I was the first person of either gender to use cyanotypes to create a long-term scientific study of the natural world. My father was a scientist and I helped him by creating drawings for some of his works such as his translation of Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet de Lamarck's Genera of Shells. Well, I must be going, as I have much work to do between housekeeping and my photography. Farewell!

Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. All of your blueprints are amazing. I am a huge fan of your work, and would love to see you work in person one day.

  2. Anna, your interview is so very informative. You tell, in great detail, how your life choices and life circumstances influenced your field of art. I commend you for being the "first of your kind". I love it! Tres' magnifique!

  3. Your art is superb! I really enjoy how you, a woman, can be the head of her field! Excellent! Although we both lost important family members, that didn't stop either of us!
